Two national R+D+i projects under the “retos de investigación” call start this autumn at IREC. The purpose of the call is to finance the implementation of research projects aimed both at fostering the generation and significant advancement of scientific knowledge and research of proven quality as well as at advancing the search for solutions to society’s challenges. The granted projects for IREC Departments are:
CURIO-CITY – Development of new p-i-n architectures for kesterite solar cells by combinational synthesis and multidimensional data analysis based on AI. Led by Dr. Victor Izquierdo, from the Solar Energy Materials and Systems Department. The main objective of CURIO-CITY is to develop the first versatile inorganic thin-film PV technology based on kesterite, adaptable to urban applications requiring features such as flexibility, transparency, excellent response to low light intensities, lightweight, or a combination of several, demonstrating various device architectures with disruptive efficiencies in the range of 12-20%.
VALOTAIL – Valorization of Fischer-Tropsch (FT) Tail Gas into Synthetic Natural Gas using Atomic Layer Deposition. Led by Prof. Joan Ramon Morante and Dr. Jordi Guilera, from the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis Department. The VALOTAIL project aims to significantly enhance FT technology by directly converting real tail gas into high-calorie synthetic natural gas, offering substantial process efficiency improvements. Catalyst composition will be tailored throughout the catalytic bed, and efficient incorporation of metal promoters will be achieved through Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) technique.
The projects will last for 3 years, starting from 1st of September 2024. They will Support the development of national and international leadership skills in research teams at public and private non-profit R&D&I organizations by enhancing their mobility and participation in European and international programs. Foster interdisciplinary collaboration among research groups to create synergies across scientific approaches and drive significant advances in scientific knowledge.
Acknowledgements (in Spanish)
Los proyectos CURIO-CITY (PID2023-148976OB-C42) y VALOTAIL (PID2023-151777OB-I00) están financiados por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER, UE.