The principal research interests of Maxim Guc are centered on two key topics. The first one is devoted to the fundamental characterization of semiconductor materials and optoelectronic devices, mainly in photovoltaics (PV). His involvement in this research topic continues since the preparation of his Master thesis, and is based on the deep analysis of fundamental properties of a wide variety of inorganic complex materials, and of the optoelectronic properties of the devices based on these materials, with a special attention given to the PV materials and devices.
The second research topic is related to the development of new methodologies for the materials and devices quality monitoring, and is based on the strong background and knowledge of Maxim on combination of different advanced physicochemical characterization methods of semiconductor materials and devices. This has allowed Maxim to develop new methodologies for the in-line monitoring of the novel materials and devices based on them at laboratory level, and to design and demonstrate their transfer to the in-line monitoring of the quality of industrial PV processes. I
Since 2020, the two described research topics are integrated in a new research line that Maxim has initiated and is currently coordinating in the SEMS group from IREC, devoted to the Advanced Characterization of PV Materials and Devices and Development of Process Monitoring Methodologies. This research line is currently formed by 2 postdoc researchers, 4 PhD students and 2 engineers.
Acknowledgements (in Spanish)
La ayuda RYC2022-037153-I (para Salah Kamel) está financiada por MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por el FSE+.