Joan Ramon Morante Lleonart

Director of IREC
Head of Advanced Materials for Energy Area
Group Leader of Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis Group

+34 933 562 615
: Web of Science ID
: Research ORCID ID
: Research SC ID
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Professor J.R. Morante has been full professor at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Barcelona since 1985. Since 2009 he has been director of the area of ​​advanced materials for energy at the Institute for Energy Research of Catalonia, IREC, and since the end of 2015 he has been director of this public research institute.

He has previously been Vice Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Barcelona, ​​director of the Department of Electronics at this university, head of studies in Electronic Engineering and co-coordinator of the University of Barcelona and Polytechnic University of Catalonia interuniversity master’s degree on Energy.

Currently, his activities focus on the introduction of renewable energies and the environmental impact of energy. Likewise, he is involved in the deployment of new energy carriers such as hydrogen, biomethane and synthetic fuels for a sustainable mobility, a decarbonized industry, cities, and societies.

He has co-authored more than 600 publications with more than 35500 citations (GS). He has 24 patents, has been director of 55 doctoral theses, has participated/coordinated in numerous projects of different international and industrial programs (> 57) and has been distinguished with the Narcís Monturiol medal from the Generalitat de Catalunya. He is currently president of the European Materials Society and has also been editor-in-chief of the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.