Som Comunitat Energètica is singular project for the socioeconomic reactivation due to COVID-19 for cooperative companies. The goal of the project is to dynamize the energy transition of the building stock towards decarbonization through the creation of energy communities from an inclusive and solidarity perspective.
The project will run for 1 year, and held its kick-off meeting online on November the 10th, 2020. The beneficiaries are Cíclica (leader), IREC, Electra Caldense and Dies d’Agost; Xarxa de Micropobles is a participant.
IREC plans to develop algorithms for recognizing potential energy communities, given the association archetypes of buildings and floors for different uses. These algorithms will be implemented in the main software and in the derived services, to uncover potential energy communities throughout the territory. At IREC, the project is led by Jordi Pascual, senior researcher at the Thermal Energy and Building Performance group.
This project is promoted and financed by the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat de Catalunya.