Better, more versatile silicon-free solar cell technologies

SCALENANO and KESTCELLS European projects coordinated by IREC at new Horizon Magazine and at Cordis News from European Comission

Relevance and technological potential of the research developed at SCALENANO (contract n. 284486) and KESTCELLS (contract n. 316488) European projects has motivated their inclusion in the recent issue of the new Horizon Magazine recently launched by the European Commission. The article entitled Better, more versatile silicon-free solar cell technologies published on the Horizon magazine website includes declarations from senior researchers of the Solar Energy Materials and Systems Group at IREC who are coordinating these projects. The paper highlights relevant results already achieved that will pave the way towards the development, consolidation and industrial scale-up of higher competitive and more advanced PV sustainable technologies. The relevance of the results achieved at SCALENANO related to the scalability of novel PV thin film technologies based on the use of chemical and electrochemical low-cost processes has also lead to the publication of the Developing a cheaper, alternative solar cell article at the Cordis News.