Building refurbishment and fire safety in facades | video

Jornada-CEEC Building refurbishment and fire safety in facades | video
  • Smart energy management

On Wednesday, October 20, 2021, the group of Thermal Energy and Building Performance participated in the first inter cluster event organized by the Cluster of Efficient Energy of Catalonia (CEEC), the Fire Safety Cluster (CLUSIC) and the College of Graduates and Industrial Technical Engineers of Barcelona (ENGINYERS BCN) with the aim of deepening in the subject of buildings’ rehabilitation and risk of fire in facades.

The session included the participation of Ainhoa ​​Mata of the Catalan Energy Institute (ICAEN) who presented an overview of the implementation of the Next Generation EU financing schemes in Catalonia and Spain; and thre fire experts Antonio Galan from Kingspan, Salvador Suñol of Applus and Mercedes Lago of Efectian who focused on fires spreading at façades, testing regulations and a research European project to harmonize large-scale fire reaction tests on facades.

During the session Soledad Ibañez from IREC reviewed the current situation of the building stock of Catalonia, highlighting its considerable age, the lines of rehabilitation and financing promoted in recent years and the impacts and co-benefits related to energy rehabilitation.

The video of the session can be seen in the following link (in catalan-spanish):