COMUNITAT.COOP: Support platform for the social and solidarity economy in urban regeneration

  • Smart energy management

The project has concluded in November 2022, after fifteen months of development.

The main goal of was to develop a digital platform of integrated services, with the requested functionalities and appropriate intervention scales, to support the Social and Solidarity Economy to the accompaniment of urban regeneration actions. The platform introduces three different axes per each single building and neighbourhood:

  • Planning services, offering a local intervention model based on a strategic vision that integrates the approach to rehabilitation and the introduction of renewable energies under a single global perspective.
  • Management services, offering a community governance model based on identification, networking, inter-cooperation, and cohesion of all agents, especially the local public administration, the social and the local and/or green economy entities, and the citizens.
  • Financing services, offering an ethical business model based on taking advantage of the opportunities of the Renovation Wave from a perspective of solidarity and the conjugation with mechanisms of ethical and participatory financing. Some of the contents of the platform can be considered the basis of the so-called passport of the building.

The main role of IREC in the development of the platform, already tested for two different municipalities, has been the definition of the building archetypes and its reduced order modelling for their implementation in the calculation engine behind the platform, able to offer the energetic assessment of the buildings in both cases: for the current situation and the different retrofitting scenarios.

Snapshots of the Comunitat.Coop platform

The project lasted 15 months, and involves 6 entities; Cíclica Arquitectura SCCL (leader), IREC, HAUS HEALTHY BUILDINGS SL, ETCS, MARCOVE INDUSTRIAL SL, and Dies d’Agost SCCL. Jordi Pascual and Camille Nicole Burke, from the Thermal Energy and Buildings Performance group from IREC, were in charge of these tasks along the duration of the project.

This is a project for the socio-economic reactivation of COVID-19, promoted and financed by: Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament d’Empresa i Treball.