Presentation of the roadmap beyond 2019
Last December 11th, 2019, the RIS3CAT Energy Community held its Final Event at ACCIÓ premises, and presented the roadmap beyond 2019. This Community, led by IREC, is an ecosystem that brings together actors of the quadruple helix of the energy sector in Catalonia.
The welcome introduction was done by Àurea Rodríguez, Director of the Innovation Unit of ACCIÓ, and Manel Sanmartí, coordinator of the RIS3CAT Energy Community and head of the CD&KTT Unit at IREC.
The event was divided into two different sessions. The first focused on the valorisation of the R+D+I projects, their impact and future plans:
- NAenCAT “The future of electrical networks”
- LCA Enerboost “Ecoinnovation in the Catalan energy sector”
- REFER “Energy flexibility: the buildings of the future”
- CoSin “Renewable gas for the energy transition”
- ESTORELOT “Innovative management of wind power”
- FLEXEDINET “Big Data for energy management”
- MicroTIC “ICT innovative solutions for SMEs”
After the break, the coordination team from IREC continued with the evaluation and impact of the Community as an ecosystem (by Anna Magrasó), followedby the presentation of the roadmap beyond 2019 (by Manel Sanmartí). The audience could afterwards make questions and give their feedback about the future of this Community.
The coordination team at IREC thanks the active participation of the coordinators of the R+D+I projects during the implementation period, as well as all the members that made the technical development of the projects a reality. The Sectorial Commissions and all associate members of the Community are acknowledged for their implication in the ecosystem.
Read the complete news (in Catalan) at:
As a result of the creation of the Comunitat RIS3CAT Energia, and combining the achievement of the different projects, the ecosystem managed to generate 48 new products, services or improvements, no patent, although one is in the registration phase, 12 new business models, 2 new brands, 190 new demonstrators or pilot plants, 1 new company/spin-off, more than 23 jobs created linked to the project and 12 new business opportunities in the international arena.
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union in the framework of the ERDF Operational Programme Catalonia 2014-2020 and the support of ACCIO.