DOC-FAM is a H2020-MSCA-COFUND project entitled “DOCtoral programme in Functional Advanced Materials” which has finalised this semester. It is a Doctoral Programme coordinated by ICMAB-CSIC in collaboration with four partner research institutions from the area: IMB-CNM, IREC, ALBA Synchrotron and ICN2.
The main aim of the programme is the training of 22 early-stage researchers during 36 months each as the next-generation of scientists in the exciting field of Functional Advanced Materials, while at the same time offering a complete training experience to the recruited fellows.
The research programme within DOC-FAM offered the fellows an excellence training programme in the bourgeoning field of Functional Advanced Materials through an interdisciplinary, intersectorial and international approach with the support of several partner organisations from the area, four of them contributing to the co-funding of the doctoral programme. The designed training programme combined different types of activities that will enhance their research and personal skills, providing them with new career perspectives. Being a MSCA funded project, the mobility aspect was a key issue in DOC-FAM doctoral programme, and therefore exchange visits were planned for all recruited fellows throughout the project at partner laboratories and premises.
As a partner of this project, IREC successfully recruited 4 early-stage researchers (ESR) fellows who have received specific training in Advanced Functional Materials, stayed in research labs beyond IREC and have completed (or are in their path to complete) a PhD thesis. The research fellows at IREC were the following:
- Monalisa Chakraborty stayed in the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis group at IREC (2018-2021) and a short stay at ICFO, with a thesis entitled Zinc-iodide redox flow battery for next generation of solar energy storage (2022)
- Viktoriia Holovanova stayed in the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis group at IREC (2019-2021) and a short stay at ICFO, with a thesis entitled “Plasmon-enhanced catalytic reactions for renewable fuels” (2022)
- Maritta Dos Santos Lira stayed in the Nanoionics and Fuel Cells group at IREC (2019-2022) and a short stay at St Andrews University, works on the topic “CO2 reuse for chemical energy storage surplus electricity from renewables.”
- Venkata Siva Rama K. Tandava stayed in the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis group at IREC (2019-2022) and a short stay at ICN2, works on the topic “Advanced catalyst materials and systems for the electro-conversion of CO2”
IREC is also happy to inform that this program has received additional funding through the DOCFAM+ project, which we announced last year (find the news here). This new project starts in May 2023.
DOC-FAM has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754397.