The final meeting of INCITE took place at IREC from the 12 to the 14th of November, 2019.
The meeting comprised a soft skills workshop, where INCITE ESRs and IREC researchers got training in topics like Open Science, RRI or gender issues in research, and a scientific workshop, where the latest progress achieved within the project was presented, together with inspiring keynote talks by experts in the field.
INCITE, Innovative controls for renewable source integration into smart energy systems, is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN), GA 375318, coordinated by IREC Power Systems Group Head, Dr. José Luis Domínguez-García. Beneficiaries of the action, that has trained 14 PhDs, include UPC, TU Delft, UGA, UniBo, VITO and EFACEC.