The European Research Night is a public event dedicated to the dissemination of science that is held every year in more than 300 cities in 30 European countries at the same time. Its aim is to bring research and the researchers closer to the public of all ages and to make research and innovation known in a smooth and fun way.
The European Research Night dissemination event in Catalonia (Nit de la Recerca) takes place on 27 and 28 November. More than 50 scientific entities from all provinces organize talks, workshops, games, experiments and many other activities for all audiences. The program can be consulted on the website
Every year, this event is held on the last Friday in September. This edition, however, the date was postponed for two months due to the pandemic. For the same reason, most activities have been adapted to an online format to reach everyone in the safest and most comfortable possible way.
IREC actively participates in the Barcelona node.
“Matí de la recerca a les escoles”
This initiative brings research staff from research centres and universities to schools and institutes in Catalonia on Friday November the 27th, in the morning. Four IREC researchers are going to several schools: Alba Colet will talk about sustainable mobility of electric vehicles at the Montserrat Institute (Barcelona); Cristina Corchero about energy communities at Mas Casanovas Institute; Marc Torrell about making green energy a reality at Bernat Metge Institute and Toni Cantero about the electrical grid at Juan Manuel Zafra Institute.
“Nit de la recerca”
Among the various activities of the Barcelona node, coordinated by ISGlobal and ACCC, IREC participates in two of all the organized activities with the collaboration of CosmoCaixa on the night of November the 27th:
The Young Researcher’s Night (Nit Jove de la Recerca), consists in a cycle of micro-talks (“Micro-xerrades) of the PechaKucha type, where researchers will explain their research in seven minutes using only 20 simple slide images and spending 20s for each slide. Three IREC researchers accepted the challenge: Mattia Barbero on demand aggregation and how to deal with energy consumption in buildings (link); Marco Bianchini on hydrogen energy in your pocket (link) and José Manuel Sojo on thermoelectric materials to use energy that is wasted (link). The micro-talks will be available at the YouTube Channel “La Nit de la Recerca” afterwards (links provided above for each talk).
On the other hand, the Nano Research Night workshops (“Espai Nano”) is a series of online nano-workshops specialized in nanotechnology. In the session, participants see via streaming what nanotechnology means (ICN2) and the applications in the medical sector (ICN2), construction (UPC), energy (IREC) or materials (UB). A dynamic of debate is conducted at the end of the session (SOCNANO). Two online workshops from IREC will be shown: “Power on your fingertip” by Federico Baiutti and “How to store energy in water?” by Sebastián Murcia, Nina Carretero and Mª Isabel Díez.