The IREC research community, as it has been doing in the last years, has joined the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science to support and honour the role of women in research and technology. With the goal of promoting scientific talent and innovation among women in science and technology, IREC has participated in some activities in this framework.
IREC has joined the #100tífiques initiative for the fifth consecutive year, organized by the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI) and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) in collaboration with the Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya. This year, 576 women researchers will give inspiring talks to 512 Catalan schools with the goal of promoting scientific talent and innovation among women in Catalonia and inspiring young people to pursue their dreams in this field.
In the framework of this initiative, nine IREC researchers will give presentations in school centers for students in 6th grade primary school and 1st year of secondary school, both in-person and virtually. These presentations will show young people the professional paths of the women researchers and their current projects in order to demonstrate that careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are accessible for girls and boys alike.
The researchers that participate in these presentations are the following:
• Cristina Corchero, head of the Energy Systems Analytics research group, participates in an inspiring talk given to 1st year ESO students at IES Institut Viladomat (Barcelona).
• Carolina Duque, researcher in the Energy Systems Analytics group, participates in an inspiring talk to 6th grade primary school students at Escola La Candela (Valls, Tarragona).
• Alba Colet, researcher in the Energy Systems Analytics group, participates in an inspiring talk to 1st year ESO students at IES Pla de l’Avellà (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona).
• Daiana Marcia Ferreira, researcher in Energy Systems Analytics, participates in an inspiring talk to 6th grade primary school students at Institut Duran i Bas (Barcelona).
• Elena Martín, researcher in the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis group, participates in an inspiring talk to 1st year ESO students at Escola Petit Plançó (Olot, Girona).
• Fernanda Freitas, researcher in the Nanoionics and Fuel Cells group, participates in an inspiring talk to 6th grade primary school students at Escola Provençana (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona).
• Nina Carretero, researcher in the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis group, participates in an inspiring talk to 6th grade primary school students at Escola Pau Vila (El Papiol, Barcelona).
• Sina Montag, researcher in the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis group, participates in an inspiring talk given to 1st year ESO students at EIS Salvador Espriu (Barcelona).
Additionally, IREC people have participated in other activities during Friday the 10th of February. Joana Tarrés from the Corporate Development, Knowledge and Technology Transfer area, has explained and demonstrated renewable energies in the Escola Tabor (Barcelona). She focused on photovoltaic energy generation and hydroelectric energy, while introducing different industrial sectors. Mariana Jiménez and Roger Valdés, from Energy Systems Analytics group, have visited the school in Les Corts (Barcelona) to showcase how renewable energy is produced, stored, distributed and used in our daily lives, demonstrating some of the technologies developed at IREC.
IREC is proud of its community of researchers and their involvement and participation in these activities to honour the valuable role of women and girls in science and technology, and to promote an egalitarian future in scientific research.