IREC collaborates in the study of the Fundació FP Barcelona to promote vocational training in renewable energies

l'IREC col·labora en l'estudi de la Fundació FP Barcelona per impulsar la formació professional en energies renovables
  • Energy and environment

The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) has collaborated with the Fundació FP Barcelona on a study whose main objective is to analyse the needs and opportunities of the renewable energy sector, focusing on vocational training and employability.

On 28 March, a conference was held to present the results of this study, which also included a round table discussion with several companies from the sector. The report highlights the importance of the professional profile of solar panel assemblers and installers as a key element for the sustainable growth and development of the renewable energy sector in Catalonia.

IREC has contributed to the project with its knowledge and experience in the energy sector, collaborating in the generation of the content and dissemination of surveys to identify current and future needs of professional profiles in the field of renewable energies.

During the event, the representatives from the companies participating in the round table shared their perspectives and needs with the aim of guiding the educational world (schools, teachers) and administrations. In addition, the importance of improving the perception of this training among students was emphasised, making vocational training more attractive. The companies pointed out that there is currently a shortage of more than 18,000 workers in the renewable energy sector and forecast that more than 160,000 workers will be needed in the coming years, highlighting the importance of training new professional profiles within the framework of vocational training.

Furthermore, the importance of adapting training programmes to the real demands of the sector in order to guarantee job placement and the development of specific skills was emphasised.

For more information about the study and the conference, please visit the following link.