The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), a member of the CERCA network and holder of the TECNIO acrreditation from ACCIO, which distinguishes high-tech developers and facilitators in Catalonia, celebrates the recent classification of Catalonia’s overall indicator is above the European Union average according to the European Innovation Scoreboard 2023, compiled by the European Commission. This distinction is a recognition of the collective effort of the entire Catalan innovation ecosystem, in which IREC is a key player.
IREC’s mission as a centre of research excellence dedicated to innovation in the field of energy is to generate knowledge and advanced technologies for their transfer to industry, thus contributing to progress and the improvement of society. In line with this, the words of the Minister of Research and Universities, Joaquim Nadal, relating to “the unquestionable commitment of the government to research, as well as the prioritization of innovation”, included in the Science Law of Catalonia, with its strategy for innovation and knowledge transfer that will be deployed in the coming months and that will allow “complementing basic research with innovation in the productive fabric, as well as the creation of companies linked to the research system“. We also congratulate the improvements in policies “to consolidate in Catalonia a solid scientific arc of centers, large infrastructures, and research equipment, doubling the capacity of the Catalan knowledge system to continue contributing its specific weight to the progress of research“.
IREC’s internationally positioned human team leads the institute’s activity in its strategic areas of expertise: energy and its impact on the environment, energy storage, and smart energy management. In addition, IREC works on a cross-cutting axis: the energy transition for the construction of a sustainable future. This umbrella axis concentrates with an interdisciplinary approach the main lines of action in the change of the energy model: efficiency and savings with the integration of renewable energies, digitalisation, electrification, decarbonisation and decentralisation.
Catalonia’s classification as a strong innovator in the European Innovation Scoreboard 2023 is a success shared by all the actors in the Catalan innovation ecosystem. From IREC, we will continue working to bring our expertise and capabilities to this ecosystem, with the aim of contributing to progress, improving society, and mitigating the effects of climate change.
For more information on the study by the European Commission, you can consult the press release from the Government of Catalonia.
Furthermore, we invite you to visit our technology transfer section and for more details on our strategy and strategic initiatives such as the PRIMA platform, SOLAR JRU, BATTECH-JRU and PLEMCAT.