IREC organises the EU PV Clusters 2nd Workshop and General Assembly

IREC organises the Workshop: “Progress in Photovoltaics and Nanotechnology: From FP7 to Horizon 2020. The EU PV Clusters 2nd Workshop and General Assembly” that will take place on 26th-28th November 2013 in Barcelona (Spain), at the Lecture Hall (Aula Magna) of the University of Barcelona.

The Workshop is organised with the support of the SCALENANO European project (, XaRmae (Catalan Network of Excellence on Materials for Energy) and the University of Barcelona. This Workshop builds on the success of the first Workshop on “Photovoltaics and nanotechnology: from innovation to industry”, a timely and very successful event organised by CEA (France), which launched the “EU PV Clusters” of projects ( ) at the end of 2010.

With the awareness of the fundamental role of nanotechnologies, or innovative material developments, for breakthrough advances in PV, the aim of the 2013 Workshop is to identify common research and innovation priorities for bridging the gap between nanotechnology-based knowledge produced by the projects in the EU 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), and the successful commercialisation of products enabled by these developments, taking into account the whole value-chain. The European PV projects funded by European Commission Programmes will gather together to present advances and bottlenecks since 2010 and bring forward the global picture of PV research and innovation in Europe.

This Workshop is intended to contribute to a European strategy on nanotechnology for PV innovation, aligned to and complementing the global European energy strategy for 2020, to help bringing promising results to the market, in line with the objectives of Horizon 2020, the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation due to start in 2014.

The Workshop flyer is available here

Information on Hotels and location of venue is available here