Today, February the 2nd, the presentation of the 5th #100tífiques Training and Networking Meet-up was held in the Hall of the Barcelona City Council. The #100tífiques programme is an initiative of the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI) and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST). This 2023 edition was attended by the minister of Research and Universities, Joaquim Nadal and Farreres; the minister of Education, Josep Gonzàlez-Cambray; the minister of for Feminisms and Equality, Tània Verge; the mayor, Ada Colau; the deputy mayor for Culture, Education, Science, and Community, Jordi Martí, and the president of BIST, Andreu Mas-Colell. The presentation of the #100tífiques 2023 program was given by the BIST Director of Programmes, Núria Bayó Puxan, and the Head of Innovation at FCRI, Susaina Figuera.
The initiative, which has the collaboration of the Barcelona City Council and the Departments of Education and Research and Universities of the Generalitat of Catalonia, aims to promote STEAM disciplines among 11–13 years old students (from the 6th year in primary school to the 1st year in secondary school) whilst recognizing the contributions of women researchers to the advancement of science.
This fifth edition of #100tífiques has 519 scientists from the public and private sectors, of which nine scientists belong to IREC. All the scientists will give lectures —in person or online— to more than 475 schools and institutes of 41 regions of Catalonia on February 10th, and in honour of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which will be celebrated on February 11th.
Find more information on the website.