IREC participates in the Smart City Expo World Congress

IREC will actively participate in the Smart City Expo World Congress co-organizing and participating in the following events:

  • Smart City Expo World Congress: Smart City Expo World Congress is a place to share research, best practices and potential common solutions, achieved through effective collaboration. We hope to see you in the SCC1 stand D450 on November 14th-16th, 2017 (Barcelona). Where we will be ready to inform you about our participation in the H2020 GrowSmarter project!

  • Singapore – Catalan meeting: Visit of Singapore Housing & Development Board. November 13th, 2017. In collaboration with Institut Municipal d’Informàtica de Barcelona (IMI), IREC will present H2020 Growsmarter Low Energy Districts in Barcelona to Singapore Housing & Development Board.

  • World Cities Day Conference. Site visit to Barcelona 22@ district. November 13th, 2017. World Cities is a project of the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission in the framework of the European Parliament’s preparatory action to promote the exchange of experience and best practice between the European Union and third countries on the theme of territorial development with particular reference to sustainable urban development.

  • Workshop on “International urban cooperation: Smart city projects and developments in China”, a IUC-World Cities event within the SCEWC. November 14th, 2017: In the framework of the SCEWC, IREC participates in this workshop, which involves high-level representatives from the Chinese cities participating in the IUC and World Cities programmes, as well as companies and other stakeholders from Europe.

  • Workshop on “Smart Control and energy performance of buildings” within the SCEWC. November 15th, 2017. In collaboration with other partners of H2020 GrowSmarter project and partners of SMARTER TOGETHER project, IREC participates in a workshop on how the smart solutions can increase the energy performance of refurbished buildings. We will be glad to welcome you and meet you at this open workshop! SmartCity Expo in Barcelona at the SCC1 Stand (D450) from 11h-12h. Please see the following link for more information.

  • Workshop on “Low energy districts in the GrowSmarter project” in SCEWC: In collaboration with other partners of H2020 GrowSmarter project, IREC organizes and participates in a workshop on Low Energy Districts as a key step towards Smart Cities. We will be glad to welcome you and meet you at this open workshop! SmartCity Expo in Barcelona at the Ajuntament de Barcelona Stand (C345) 16th November 14h-14h30.