On the occasion of EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2021, IREC researchers have carried out several dissemination and outreach activities related to the core activities at IREC.
On October the 26th, Lucile Bernadet gave a motivational talk to high school students on “How do researchers work in a research laboratory?”. Students were able to listen first-person life experiences, while having a glimpse of how hydrogen conversion technologies work on a fuel cell vehicle. The school visit took was at Pau Casals Institute (Badalona).
On October the 28th-29th, Paulina Martínez (visiting Professor from UB at IREC) participated on the 40th Meeting of Spanish-speaking women in Europe “Resilience: Stories of adaptation to change”. This is a special event with migrant women as the main speakers. In this edition, the event reached both Spanish-speaking women in Europe, as well as women around the world. The main objective of the event was to create a dialogue space where all people can strengthen social and emotional ties to build a more resilient life. Link to the event here.
On October the 29th, Anna Magrasó and Ester Coma presented a teaser of the exhibition project “Gara and the energy that surrounds us” at the Fira de Mostres in Girona (EDIFICAT stand- from Ajuntament de Girona), in the framework of Fira de Sant Narcís 2021. The activity featured a board game on energy, related to energy generation, storage, distribution and consumption of energy. Educational demonstrators were shown to interactively visualize how renewable energies work and what the energy transition of the future will be like. This activity is part of the itinerancy of an exhibition project of innovative scientific dissemination developed by IREC on the energy transition with the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Science and Innovation. Link to the event at IREC’s website and Diari de Girona.