10ALAMENOS9 celebrated the 7th Edition of the National Festival of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology on 26-27th of April 2022 in different countries (15) in Europe, Latin America and South Africa. After the success achieved in the previous six editions, 10ALAMENOS9 has organized a science outreach event that aims to bring nanotechnology closer to society, regardless of age or knowledge. In a fun and exciting way, the visitor will dig into the amazing world of small things, the nanoworld.
The goal of 10ALAMENOS9 is to raise awareness and increase general knowledge towards nanoscience and nanotechnology in our country, showing its implications and scope through workshops, exhibitions, round tables, cafes, social gatherings, seminars, master classes, performances of science, art and many other activities. All this looking for a direct contact with the society, establishing a dialogue.
The total number of activities to be carried out in 2022 will reach more than 15,000 people. This involves efforts from major research centers and universities dedicated to research in nanotechnology in Spain.
In particular, IREC has participated in two different sessions:
- Paulina Martínez, from the Functional Nanomaterials group, has held a talk related to the WINE-EVIB project with emphasis on the use of biomass for the production of chemical compounds of added value and hydrogen through electrocatalysis. In CosmoCaixa (Barcelona, on the 26th of April.
- Anna Magrasó, from the Corporate Development and Knowledge and Technology Transfer area, has guided 4th grade (ESO) the students from the Institut Mercè Rodoreda (Barcelona) though the Gara exhibition devoted to educate on energy transition and sustainable energy development of our society. In the Centre Cívic Joan Oliver Pere Quart (Barcelona) on the 27th April.
The program of this edition in the Barcelona site can be downloaded here:
WINE-EVIB is a Tecniospring grant given by ACCIO and co-financed by the H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions of the European Union.
The Gara project is in collaboration with FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología)- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under the 2020 call “Convocatoria de ayudas para el Fomento de la Cultura Científica, Tecnológica y de la Innovación“.