IREC shares its experience in the Escolabers 2022

Trobada Escolabers 2022 Programa Connectem Recerca i Aula de EscoLab en amb IREC
  • Energy and environment

Today the Escolabers 2022 workshop has been held at the Institut Botànic de Barcelona (IBB), an initiative promoted by Barcelona Ciència i Universitats from the Barcelona City Council, where the most outstanding proposals developed by Escolab over the last two years have been reviewed, such as the “VacunAcció”, “Alimentem-nos, naturalment!” and the “Connectem Recerca i Aula” which have opened a new avenue for bringing research closer to the classroom.

IREC has been participating in the project promoted by EscoLab during this academic year 2021-2022 and has developed “The sources and impact of Energy” (within the framework of the Connectem Recerca i Aula project) with 12-year-old students from the Escola del Mar in Barcelona, with the aim of bringing research, related to generation, storage, distribution and consumption of energy, to the classroom. The Prof. ICREA Andreu Cabot, head of the Functional Nanomaterials group; researcher Lucia Igualada, from the Energy Systems Analytics group and the head of Corporate Communications, Elisabeth Chulilla from IREC have been highlights the value of the research carried out at the Institute linking with the youngest members of the public, making it a vehicle for the transmission of knowledge to take root in our society.

During the  Escolabers 2022 workshop, it has been highlighted on how to innovate in the approach and the kind of activities to be developed between research centers and educational centers. In addition, the participants dug into new ways to integrate a scientific outing into the school year, how to continue the focus of interest started in the classroom and how to encourage student participation. Finally, with the leadership of the EscoLab team and the support of the trainers, the day concluded with a cooperative process of reflection to design future educational resources.

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