IREC launches a new series of videos to showcase research and developments carried out by the research groups at IREC, including the Solar Energy Materials and Systems, the Nanoionics and Fuel Cells, the Functional Nanomaterials, the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis, the Power Systems, the Energy Systems Analytics and the Thermal Energy and Building Performance research groups.
The videos collect some of the main research lines from the research groups at the institute, such as the development of quality control monitoring method for industrial processes, new materials and devices for advanced photovoltaic applications, the development of solid oxide fuel cells and electrolysers for hydrogen technologies, microenergy sources for IoT (thermoelectric generators and all-solid-state batteries), nanomaterials for energy technologies, obtaining synthetic fuels by chemical conversion, the production of hydrogen using solar energy, the search for new materials for next generation storage systems and batteries, power electronics and integration of renewables, digitalisation of grids and power resilience, sustainable electrical mobility, the flexibility of energy systems, analysis of environmental and economic impacts, the energy management in buildings and thermal networks and studies on positive energy districts and neighbourhoods.
The videos are collected in the series #IRECresearch in the following YouTube playlist (Research lines from IREC groups):