IREC, within the Interreg MED EFFICIENT BUILDINGS project, has been improving the accessibility of the project’s findings to public administrators from the Mediterranean region. The objective was to improve the transferability and capitalization of a series of outcomes from modular projects by reaching more users from different areas of the Mediterranean area, including not only European countries, but also from the southern Mediterranean shore or IPA countries.
Under this proposition, a group of tools, guides, methodologies and good practices and recommendations on energy efficiency in buildings has been adapted.
Below you can find a brief review of the work done:
From the IMPULSE Plus project, adaptation was carried out on the financial evaluation tool and its KPI Plug-in. With the intention to expand its range of use, new climatic zones of Spain and Greece were included. In addition, a booklet that contains the methodology for planning public building stock renovation through the implementation of the financial evaluation tool is now available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Greek and Italian.
From the EduFootprint Plus project, a calculator tool that allows to calculate the environmental footprint of schools covering energy consumption, mobility, food and waste, was adapted to be operative in France. Furthermore, the guideline for energy efficiency monitor and management in public buildings, which offers a complete step-by-step manual for developing energy-monitoring plans for schools, is now available in English, French, Portuguese, Greek, Italian and Spanish.
From the PrioritEE Plus project, a series of seven short documents named “How to briefs” were translated. These documents present in an easy-to-use manner useful information on: stakeholder engagement, sustainable energy action plans, innovative financing, rooftop uses, building envelope, behavioral changes and centralized energy management. These are now available in English, Portuguese, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Croatian and French. Moreover, Snapshot of a building, a presentation that showsthe mainelements that affects the energetic demand of a building, is now available in English, French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish. Finally, the document Increasing efficiency in public buildings, thatteaches on potential energetic saving measures, is now available in English, French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish.
Jordi Pascual and Emilio Hernando from the Thermal Energy and Building Performance group at IREC were in charge of the coordination of these tasks, monitoring the quality of the results with the help of the different project partners.
If you want to learn more about Efficient buildings achievements or the different modular projects follow the link.
This project has received funding from the Interreg MED programme, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.