The goal of the project SEAPCAP 4 SDG is to improve the Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans, SE(A)CAP, of selected municipalities and local authorities via a uniform adapted assessment Toolkit and an innovative financing methodology variant of European City Facility (EUCF). It will support selected municipalities in implementing outcomes (tools, methodologies and platforms) from 16 selected reference projects (SRP). In this framework, nine cities and four education and healthcare buildings within them will receive support to build capacity, improve their energetic plans and implement energy improvements by specific actions.
The support mechanism provided by the SEACAP 4 SDG project has two levels. The first level is to promote the engagement of at least 9 municipalities or group of municipalities to use the SRP TOOLKIT in their day-to-day work for 4 months, with the aim of improving their energetic plans. The second level is to support 4 of these entities, the selected ones from the Southern shore of the Mediterranean, to use the sources for analysing detail measures in specific educational and health buildings, or other public buildings for an extra 6 months period. The support will be given through the involvement of an external entity who will accompany the municipalities during the development of both phases and through specific training sessions.
The applicants will have until the 15th of August to apply for the interest in receiving technical support for the implementation of innovative solutions and outcomes to improve their SEACAP plans and for the energy refurbishment of education and health buildings.
Jordi Pascual, from the Thermal Energy and Building Performance group at IREC, co-leads the Spanish contribution in this project. More information about the selection here: SEACAP 4 SDG selects Municipalities to support them in updating energy efficiency plan for education and health buildings | ENI CBC Med
This project has received the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The 2014-2020 ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme is a multilateral Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) initiative funded by the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). The Programme objective is to foster fair, equitable and sustainable economic, social and territorial development, which may advance cross-border integration and valorise participating countries’ territories and values.