Task 43 of the IEA’s Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technology Collaboration Programme (HEV-TCP) received a one-year extension to continue their work through December 2023. The focus of Task 43 is on Vehicle Grid Integration with the objective of identifying and exploring the gaps preventing full integration of electric vehicles in the electrical grid as well as improving the joint work between electric sector and mobility sector, which is an important element in enabling the real energy transition. This task analyzes all aspects of vehicle grid integration by means of expert workshop meetings with stakeholders involved in each of the identified gaps and brings together stakeholders from different sectors to find global solutions to current challenges. Josh Eichman and Cristina Corchero from the Energy Systems Analytics group at IREC are Task Managers of this action.
Recent activities include a stakeholder workshop in Barcelona on October 13th and 14th of 2022 focused on vehicle-to-everything (V2X) – the concept that vehicles should be able to provide bi-directional power flow enabling them to charge and discharge the vehicle battery to meet a variety of needs including local needs, provide backup power, and to improve electric grid operation. This workshop brought together a host of knowledgeable partners from industry, research organizations, and academia to discuss the current state-of-the-art and identify the challenges and opportunities of introducing bi-directional charging.
You can find more information related to this task here.