Biogas is obtained from the treatment of livestock droppings, organic fractions of municipal waste, sewage sludge and agricultural waste. The objective of the RuralGas project is to valorize this waste to obtain renewable gas, capturing the CO2 present in the waste by incorporating hydrogen technologies and convert it into a product widely used by society. This will facilitate the development of the bioeconomy while achieving more efficient use, the reduction of emissions and the promotion of carbon conservation and capture in the agricultural sector.
All the technologies currently on the market are designed for massive industrial plants. In contradiction, most of these organic wastes are distributed throughout rural areas. IREC researchers have designed and manufactured devices with the strategy “as simple as possible” in order to make the technology viable in distributed and low-capacity rural plants.
This action aims to carry out a demonstration activity in a real waste plant in Terres de l’Ebre with the aim of prototyping and validating the own technology. This action encompassed in the field of bioeconomy and circular economy will have a positive socio-economic and environmental impact for the territory and specifically for waste management in the livestock, agricultural and municipal sectors. Jordi Guilera, from the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis group at IREC, lead this project.
RuralGas is project funded by Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural of Generalitat de Catalunya that stands for ” Validació de dispositius de valorització de biogàs per a zones rurals”. The main objective of the action is to experimentally validate our own low-cost technology for converting biogas to renewable gas in a rural environment.
The project has a budget of 50k€ and will run for 12 months, starting on December the 16th, 2022. It has received funding from “Operació 01.02.01 de Transferència Tecnològica del Programa de desenvolupament rural de Catalunya 2014-2022”.