CERBE is an INNOTEC project funded by ACCIÓ and is entitled “BMS Capacity Estimation Ranging between 80% (B) and 30% (E) for AGVs“. It starts in May 2022 and ends in September 2023. The project has a total budget of ca. 190k€, is led by IDNEO, in collaboration with IREC as a TECNIO technological partner. The kick-off meeting is held online on May the 12th, 2022.
The main purpose of the CERBE project is the development of an intelligent Battery Management System (BMS) to improve the performance of automatic motion robots that are being deployed in the context of the Industry. 4.0 and the digitization of factories. These robots move autonomously within factories or logistics distribution centres by picking up and delivering packages.
At IDNEO’s plant, there are a number of charging points with autonomous robots (also known as AGVs-Automated Guided Vehicles). One of the current limitations of AGVs task automation is battery management and charging time. With very long loading times of the robot the productivity of the ground floor significantly. Fast charging times degrade battery reliability and run the risk of robots being stopped without ending their activity.
The main technological challenge of the project is the development of a new algorithm for estimating the state of charge of the batteries of robots and mobile platforms used in the industrial logistics sector.
This project should contribute to the digitalization of Industry 4.0 by launching an open and flexible autonomous robot battery management system that provides reliable information on the state of charge.
CERBE adds up to the success of BATTECH: an strategic alliance between IREC and EURECAT to cover the R+D+I of the whole value chain of the next generation of electric cells and batteries for the electric mobility, renewables and capital goods markets.
This project has received the support from ACCIÓ.