Taking a significant step towards the creation of more efficient and sustainable urban environments, various leading entities in Spain have joined forces to form the Urban-MOME Network. This collaborative project aims to drive modelling, measurement, and control in the built environment to enhance energy efficiency in urban areas.
The Urban-MOME Network establishes a platform for the exchange of information and knowledge among its members, with the purpose of identifying synergies, promoting priority research, and sharing specialized knowledge. Among its specific objectives are the integration of relevant working groups at the national level, coordination in international forums, dissemination of knowledge through scientific publications and seminars, and facilitation of access to key resources and facilities for research. The network is holding the first joint event at Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona) from 27-28th of February, 2024.
The members of this network include prestigious institutions such as CIEMAT (coordinator), IREC, TECNALIA, ITE, CARTIF, and the Universities of Oviedo, Deusto, and Valladolid. Additionally, it is backed by a group of 8 invited entities, including UPC-CIMNE, UPV and CSIC.
Dr. Jaume Salom, head of the Thermal Energy and Building Performance department at IREC, is co-leading the working group about energy efficient buildings interacting with the urban surroundings, and several researchers of the same department taking active part of the rest of working groups.
This initiative represents a significant step towards interdisciplinary collaboration and scientific advancement in the field of urban energy efficiency. It is expected that the Urban-MOME Network will make a significant contribution to research and development of innovative solutions to address energy challenges in urban environments in Spain and beyond.
Acknowledgements (in Spanish)
Red Temática URBAN MOME. 2023-2025. Referencia: RED2022-134655-T. Financiada por la Agencia Estatal de investigación. Programa Estatal para impulsar la investigación científico-técnica y su transferencia. Redes de investigación 2022.