2018 - 2022


Project: CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems
Funding: H2020
Project ID: 792245
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
All IREC Groups: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Power Systems, Energy System Analytics
Other PI: José Luis Domínguez García, Cristina Corchero
2020 - 2021


Project: COnvertidor Resilient i Versàtil
Funding: AGAUR
Project ID: 2019 LLAV 00045
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Power Systems, José Luis Domínguez García
more info +
2018 - 2021

ECOS SGR 2017-2019

Project: ECOS SGR 2017-2019
Funding: SGR
Project ID: 2017 SGR 1219
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Jaume Salom
All IREC Groups: Power Systems, Energy System Analytics, Thermal Energy and Building Performance
Other PI: Cristina Corchero, José Luis Domínguez García
more info +
2018 - 2021


Project: Electro-depuració d’aigües residuals industrials: viabilitat tècnica, ambiental i econòmica
Funding: RIS3CAT
Project ID: COMRDI16-1-0066-05
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Energy System Analytics, Cristina Corchero
All IREC Groups: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Power Systems, Energy System Analytics
Other PI: José Luis Domínguez García, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
more info +
2017 - 2020


Project: Desenvolupament experimental de noves tecnologies d’automatització de la xarxa de MT a Catalunya
Funding: RIS3CAT
Project ID: COMRDI15-1-0039-01
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Power Systems, José Luis Domínguez García
more info +
2016 - 2020


Project: Resilience to cope with climate change in urban areas – a multisectorial approach focusing on water
Funding: H2020
Project ID: 700174
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Power Systems, José Luis Domínguez García
2015 - 2019


Project: High energy lithium sulphur cells and batteries
Funding: H2020
Project ID: 666221
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis, Joan Ramon Morante
All IREC Groups: Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis, Power Systems, Energy System Analytics
Other PI: Cristina Corchero, José Luis Domínguez García
2015 - 2019


Project: Innovative controls for renewable sources Integration into smart energy systems
Funding: H2020
Project ID: 675318
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Power Systems, José Luis Domínguez García
2014 - 2018


Project: Integrated Research Programme on Wind Energy
Funding: FP7
Project ID: 609795
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Power Systems, Fernando Daniel Bianchi
2014 - 2018


Project: Combined Heat & Power for Fast Charging Stations (COFAST)
Funding: Kic eit
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Cristina Corchero
All IREC Groups: Power Systems, Energy System Analytics
2017 - 2018

Smart Communities

Project: Smart Communities
Funding: Kic eit
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: power-systems,energy-systems-analytics, Manel Sanmartí
All IREC Groups: Power Systems, Energy System Analytics, Thermal Energy and Building Performance
Other PI: Jaume Salom
2014 - 2017


Project: Eficiència energètica, sistemes, edificis i comunitats
Funding: SGR
Project ID: 2017 SGR 1219
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: thermal-energy-and-building-performance , Jaume Salom
All IREC Groups: Power Systems, Energy System Analytics
Other PI: José Luis Domínguez García, Cristina Corchero