2016 - 2019


Project: Reducció energètica i flexibilitat en edificis en rehabilitació
Funding: RIS3CAT
Project ID: COMRDI15-1-0036-07
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Energy System Analytics, Cristina Corchero
All IREC Groups: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Nanoionics and Fuel Cells, Energy System Analytics, Thermal Energy and Building Performance
Other PI: Albert Tarancón, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez,Jaume Salom
2015 - 2017


Project: Nuevos conceptos de células solares de bajo coste y alta eficiencia en configuración tándem
Funding: Proyectos I+D Retos 2014
Project ID: ENE2014-56237-C4-1-R
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Edgardo Saucedo
2014 - 2017


Project: Estrategias basadas en procesos que no requieren vacío para el desarrollo de dispositivos fotovoltaicos de calcogenuros de bajo peso y coste
Funding: Ac. Prog. Conjunta Internacional 2013
Project ID: PCIN-2013-128-C02-01
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Edgardo Saucedo
2015 - 2017


Project: Junction improved kesterite based solar cells for cost efficient sustainable photovoltaic technologies
Funding: FP7
Project ID: 625840
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
2014 - 2017


Project: Desarrollo de nuevos revestimientos fotovoltaicos ecológicos utilizando materiales reciclados para integración arquitectónica, basados en tecnologías de calcogenuros (ECOART)
Funding: Retos Colaboración 2014
Project ID: RTC-2014-2294-3
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
2014 - 2017

M2E 2014 SGR

Project: M2E 2014 SGR
Funding: SGR
Project ID: 2014 SGR 1638
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis, Joan Ramon Morante
All IREC Groups: Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis, Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Nanoionics and Fuel Cells, Functional Nanomaterials
Other PI: Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez, Albert Tarancón,Andreu Cabot
2014 - 2016


Project: Tecnologías fotovoltaicas sostenibles de bajo coste y alta eficiencia para nuevos módulos solares basados en elementos abundantes en la corteza terrestre
Funding: Proyectos I+D Retos 2013
Project ID: ENE2013-49136-C4-1-R
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
2014 - 2016


Project: Nuevos procesos sin vacío para capas “buffer” y ventana basadas en ZnO en tecnologías de células solares de CIGS
Funding: Ac. Prog. Conjunta Internacional 2013
Project ID: PCIN-2013-193
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
2012 - 2016


Project: Training for sustainable low cost PV technologies: development of kesterite based efficient solar cells
Funding: FP7
Project ID: 316488
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Edgardo Saucedo
2011 - 2015


Project: Development and industrial implementation of cost effective advanced CIGS
Funding: FP7
Project ID: 285897
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
2011 - 2015


Project: International cooperative programme for photovoltaic kesterite based technologies
Funding: FP7
Project ID: 269167
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
2012 - 2015


Project: Development and scale-up of nanostructured based materials and processes for low cost high efficiency chalcogenide based photovoltaics
Funding: FP7
Project ID: 284486
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez
All IREC Groups: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Functional Nanomaterials
Other PI: Andreu Cabot