2019 - 2022

Efficient Buildings (Interreg-MED)

Project: Efficient Buildings
Funding: MED Programme
Project ID: 7MED19_2.1_HP_008
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Thermal Energy and Building Performance, Jordi Pascual
more info +
2018 - 2021

ECOS SGR 2017-2019

Project: ECOS SGR 2017-2019
Funding: SGR
Project ID: 2017 SGR 1219
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Jaume Salom
All IREC Groups: Power Systems, Energy System Analytics, Thermal Energy and Building Performance
Other PI: Cristina Corchero, José Luis Domínguez García
more info +
2019 - 2021


Project: Positive Energy Districts renovation model
Funding: Tecniospring (ACCIÓ)
Project ID: TECSPR18-1-0044
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Thermal Energy and Building Performance, Paolo Civiero
more info +
2020 - 2021

Som Comunitat Energètica

Project: Som Comunitat Energètica
Funding: Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Thermal Energy and Building Performance, Jordi Pascual
more info +
2016 - 2020


Project: SmArt BI-directional multi eNergy gAteway (SABINA)
Funding: H2020
Project ID: 731211
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Thermal Energy and Building Performance, Jaume Salom
All IREC Groups: Energy System Analytics, Thermal Energy and Building Performance
Other PI: Cristina Corchero
2015 - 2019


Project: Growsmarter
Funding: H2020
Project ID: 646456
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Energy System Analytics, Manel Sanmartí
All IREC Groups: Energy System Analytics, Thermal Energy and Building Performance
Other PI: Jaume Salom
2016 - 2019


Project: MED programme Networks for an Innovative Cooperation in Energy efficiency
Funding: MED Programme
Project ID: 2MED15_2.1_HP_007
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Thermal Energy and Building Performance, Joana Aina Ortiz
2016 - 2019


Project: Bases de disseny d’una microsolució tic eficient i competitiva
Funding: RIS3CAT
Project ID: COMRD15-1-0040-01
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Thermal Energy and Building Performance, Jaume Salom
2016 - 2019


Project: Gestión Energética e Integración de los Distritos Urbanos en las Redes Inteligentes
Funding: Proyectos I+D Retos 2016
Project ID: TIN2016-78473-C3-3-R
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Energy System Analytics, Cristina Corchero
All IREC Groups: Energy System Analytics, Thermal Energy and Building Performance
Other PI: Jaume Salom
2014 - 2019

IEA EBC-Annex 67

Project: Energy-Flexible Buildings (IEA EBC-Annex 67)
Funding: Agreement
IREC Role: Partner
Main IREC Group: Thermal Energy and Building Performance, Thibault Péan
Other PI: Jaume Salom
2016 - 2019


Project: Reducció energètica i flexibilitat en edificis en rehabilitació
Funding: RIS3CAT
Project ID: COMRDI15-1-0036-07
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Energy System Analytics, Cristina Corchero
All IREC Groups: Solar Energy Materials and Systems, Nanoionics and Fuel Cells, Energy System Analytics, Thermal Energy and Building Performance
Other PI: Albert Tarancón, Alejandro Pérez-Rodríguez,Jaume Salom
2015 - 2018


Project: sun-RISE, Ridge Integrated Solar Energy system
Funding: Kic eit
IREC Role: Beneficiary
Main IREC Group: Thermal Energy and Building Performance, Jaume Salom