2021 - 2023


Project: Reenvisioning the potential of energy communities (RECOMMIT)
Funding: Tecniospring Industry (ACCIÓ)
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Energy System Analytics, Josh Eichman

The RECOMMIT project stands for “Reenvisioning the potential of energy communities“. This project proposes to develop novel strategies for the market layer and integration of the market layer with the other system layers. Some of the key characteristics of novel energy community markets and market structures include the ability to reduce costs and improve efficiency while also maintaining sufficient capacity without favoring any resource, providing a contingency reserve in the event of a failure in the energy system, and avoiding manipulation by other market participants. There is also a need to better define and demonstrate interactions between market participants including interactions between members of the same community, trade between communities and interactions between the community and the Transmission System Operator (TSO) or Distribution System Operator (DSO). In addition, this project will explore the methods by which energy transactions can occur — considering features like transaction cost, speed and volume.

IREC hosts Josh Eichman as a Tecniospring Industry researcher. Josh will work in the Energy Systems Analytics group at IREC and he will develop a professional career within the energy field and benefit from top training in technology transfer.

Tecniospring is ACCIÓ’s international talent programme, which boosts technology transfer processes by offering R&D companies and TECNIO centres 2-year employment contracts to host a researcher.

This programme is co-financed by the H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions of the European Union.