2022 - 2025


Project: CO2 Capture and valorization for the development of a SUstainable route to produce synthetic green fuels for maritime transPORT (SUPORT)
Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Project ID: PLEC2022-009250
IREC Role: Coordinator
Main IREC Group: Nanoionics and Fuel Cells, Marc Torrell
Other PI: Lucile Bernadet

A multi-disciplinary and multi-sectorial team coordinated by IREC and specifically by the group of fuel cells belonging to the M2E area, together with the Centre of Innovation in Transport department of CIMNE and CETAQUA Water Technology Center as research institutions have joined to the Barcelona Port Authority and Aigües de Barcelona (AB), Metropolitan Company of Water Integral Cycle Management as industrial partners, to capture the CO2 present in wastewaters and sludges generated in the port and surrounding areas and valorize it through the development of a cost competitive new fuels, specifically (MGO), of high energy density in weight and volume through an innovative route that embed sustainable technologies and will allow to decarbonize the heavy maritime transport and serve large tonnage vehicles.

Este contrato es parte del proyecto PLEC2022-009250, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.