The main objective of TransEL is the development of a new generation of high performance and highly customizable ultrathin In-free transparent electrodes (TEs) based on hybrid metal–metal oxide functionalized architectures. These architectures can be optimized in terms of optical-electrical properties, carrier selectivity, thermochemical robustness and mechanical flexibility specifically tailored for maximizing device efficiency in different application.
TransEL pursues the following main specific targets for the developed TEs: 1) sheet resistance (Rsheet) <10 Ω/sq, 2) average visible transmittance (AVT) >80% and reflectance (UV-NIR) <10%, 3) stability compatible with device fabrication and operation conditions (up to 550ºC, chalcogen-rich atmosphere and solvent and weak bases/acids in the case of PV; up to 800ºC and pH 1-13 electrolytic solutions for PWS), and 4) increase of the >10% in device efficiency compared to conventional TE solutions.
Acknowledgements (in Spanish)
TRANSEL (TED2021-129758B-C31) es un proyecto financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033 y por la Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR.