The CERCA Institution is the Government of Catalonia agency that supports, supervises and facilitates the research activities of Catalan research institutes in the CERCA system. I-CERCA seeks to maintain excellence and integrity in Catalan research, by responding to the specific needs of each centre. It is a model characterised by fluid and self-governed management structures, the attraction of talent, and efficiency in obtaining competitive funding founded on scientific activity of the highest degree.
Each CERCA member centre must comply with the I-CERCA’s Code of Conduct. As a member since 2008, IREC adheres to the CERCA Code of Conduct, which can be viewed in full here. The Code of Conduct provides guarantees of good work done in aspects of transparency, management of industrial property, scientific integrity, among others. As a summary, the ten guiding principles outlined in the Code are:
- Honesty and transparency.
- Open access to research data.
- Stewardship of research data, materials and substances.
- Handling industrial property in CERCA centres.
- Individual commitment to good scientific practice and ethical standards.
- Commitment and responsibility for research activities and scientific publications.
- Coordination with the CERCA Institute and the CERCA ombudsperson.
- Application of standards on recruitment and promotion, preventing conflicts of interest in CERCA centre activities.
- Cooperation with the media.
- Implementation of an action plan approved under the European Commission’s HRS4R award scheme.