HR Excellence in Research


In December 2017, IREC was awarded by the European Commission with the accreditation “Human Resources Excellence in Research”, to the R&D entities that implement the strategy “Human Resources Strategy for Researchers”. That is why IREC is listed in the EURAXESS website under the header of ‘HR Acknowledged Institutions’ where the HR awarded institutions are regrouped per country. The accreditation “Human Resources Excellence in Research” entails internal and external audits to ensure the correct implementation.

Leaving apart the award, IREC has a clear commitment to continuously improve our human resource policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, and a commitment to achieve fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures.

Taking into account the Action Plan from December 2017 and comparing that with our achievements in 2018 and 2019, we can assure that we achieved significant enhancement in:

  • The Career Development Plan for IREC researchers, with the aim of offering the best opportunities for personnel and professional growth, in terms of boosting future careers both in the industrial and academic worlds.
  • The yearly evaluation and appraisal process for researchers and PhD students, with the aim to standardize templates and criteria and to schedule every step of the process, so that the researchers know about the development of their career and can receive guidance in their next professional steps.
  • The Research Environment with the aim of providing the maximum level of health and safety in the workplace, and also providing the most supportive, respectful, equitable, inclusive, stable, competitive and stimulating environment. Thus, providing the best possible conditions for top world-renowned research.
  • The implementation of Human Resources policies and procedures, like the Gender Equality Plan, the Welcome Package for new hires, the policies of Health and Safety and experienced training about it, and finally, the prevention of harassment.

HR Policies

The Human Resources Department focuses on the attraction, selection, training, assessment and rewarding of leading scientists and administrative personnel in compliance with employment and labour laws. It is foremostly devoted to ensuring that the Institute’s mission, vision, values, guiding principles, and goals of excellence are met. The available job offers in order to become an IREC member are published and managed in the Work with Us sections of this website.

The following documents are our HR policies in force:

Highest-Level positions and public employees

IREC does not have any position which can be considered a Highest-level position according to the Law 13/2005, December 27. For further information, click here.